Advice for Architecture Student (Part – 2)

Architecture Motivational Blog

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I will be honest!!

Hello guys,

Welcome to my new Architecture blog. This blog is not about scaring you from the horrific things of architecture, these are some words that will give you some positive energy and try to cherish you to start focusing on this subject. This is part – 2 continuing from part -1 (Blog 1), if you haven’t read part 1 then go and read it first (It will be in suggestions or you can click here). As we all know architecture colleges/schools have earned these reputations by giving impossible amounts of work (whether it is a theory, practical, or model making) and at last those crushing feelings after not getting great reviews from professors/teachers. Some students digest those reviews and continue with the same work but some don’t they start working like robots and their night becomes dark, so this one is for you guys.


About “Theory Subjects”

When we joined architecture, we haven’t thought that theory subjects will be a burden in this course. But we came off this myth on day 1 only (while studying this course). Yeah I know we don’t want to give time to these theory subjects because of the assignments involve in it. But I want to suggest to you guys that we should study these theory subjects. It will help in our practical work and will provide some extra knowledge for our projects. Otherwise, we have to study those essential data at the time of our final project submission. These theory subjects also help us to make eye contact with the outside world.

Never judge yourself with other’s work

      Some do and some don’t, I am also that student who judges himself by others’ work but now I always try to find something best from my work, that thing boosted me. I am not telling that you hate the person with whom you are comparing. I want to say here that accepts those inputs from his/her work. Try to understand that we all are at the same level as you. I would suggest going to talk to them and take their opinions, it will only strengthen your work. It’s not competition, everyone is working and we are here to learn only.

Tackle one problem at a time

      In architecture, we have different subjects and have lots of work in them. We generally don’t work on time that’s why at the time of submissions we all have this pressure of selection. I will advise, first of all, don’t bring yourself into this situation. If you are in this problem then try to finish one work at a time. It will not just help in finishing your work, it will also help to concentrate on that particular work and that work will be good. Solving one problem at a time is always best, so prefer this.

Find your best time to work

      This is the most important thing for us because we have to deal with lots of work and if we are not comfortable doing that work at that time then we will never be able to finish it on time. Every student has their preferences to work and how they want to work. For me, I am not a “night owl” seriously I cannot stay awake at night. That’s why I prefer to work in the early morning from 3 am to 9 am. So choosing your best time doesn’t matter what time you select or how you want to work and one more thing, you guys stop playing with your health if you are not healthy then your work worth nothing to you.

Take breaks or work in sessions

As I have talked about it that what time do you work and how do you work but apart from those we do have to take care about something that doesn’t disturb our studies. Working late, working late at night, and working early in the morning is good but if you don’t manage your working hrs then it will affect your health. Health is very crucial in architecture, we can’t afford to be sick for some time. You know what will come after that. So, I would suggest taking breaks in between your working hours or trying to work in sessions of 2 to 3 hours. These habits will bring changes in your mental health and you will be fit for your next assignments (You can also exercise for half-hour a day to stay active and fit). That’s all in this Architecture Blog, the next blog will be posted soon.

Am I right here, comment down your thoughts below!!

Thank You

Ar. Raju Kumar
Ar. Raju Kumar

Ar. Raju Kumar, a proud graduate in architecture, is making strides in the professional world. With a deep love for both writing and architecture, Raju brings a unique view to his designs. His journey, enriched by a diploma and degree in architecture, shows his commitment to learning and growth. As a dedicated professional, Raju always looks for ways to improve his skills, aiming to make a lasting impact in the architectural field.

Raju Kumar (Asst. Architect)
Raju Kumar (Asst. Architect)

Raju Kumar is a talented 5th-year undergraduate student currently pursuing adegree in architecture. With a strong passion for both writing and architecture,Raju brings a unique perspective to the field. Holding a diploma in architecture,he actively seeks opportunities to enhance his skills and broaden his expertise as an aspiring architect.

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