dimensions of wall lamp in mm

Related Questions?

Q1. What are the dimensions of a Wall Lamp?

The dimensions of a wall lamp are Diameter: 180 mm, and height (total): 500 mm.

Q2. Where do we install a light?

Lights are installed in different locations as per their function and requirements. Different lights serve different functions; these are some purpose-made lights: ceiling lights, task lights, wall lights, accent lights, decorative lights, emergency lights, outdoor lights, etc.

Q3. At what height are lights and switches to be installed from the floor level?

There are not any specific rules or standards for the installation height of switches and lights. These are installed as per the user comfort zone. But we can prefer these heights for the installation of lights and switches :-

Switches :- Generally at a height of 1050 mm to 1200 mm from the floor level.

Lights :- Generally at a height of 1800 mm to 2400 mm from the floor level.

Q4. Types of switch board module are available in Indian market?

Switch boards are available in different modules in Indian market. These modules are used as per the requirements and need.

1 module comes with 1 switch only.

2 module comes with 2 switches.

3 module comes with one switch and one 3 pin plug.

4 module comes with 2 switches and one 3 pin plug.

6 module comes with 2 switches, one 3 pin plug, and a fan regulator.

8 module, 12 module, 16 Module, and 18 module

(These all modules can be customized as per the requirements)

To see an image reference of these switches module, click here

Q5. Guidelines to install a light in any space?

Installing a light in any space needs some guidelines to ensure safety, functionality, and aesthetics. These are some considerations :-

  • Determine first what type of lighting needs to be installed in that particular space.
  • Locate the space and install it at a certain height where it won’t disturb the occupants.
  • Avoid installing the lights in front of the sitting area because of the glare, shadow, and direct light on the eyes.

To read the detailed design and interior guide for the bedroom, dining room, bathroom, kitchen, or living room, click here



Diameter  :- 180 mm

Height (Total) :- 500 mm

Color :-  Gold

Capacity :- 9 Watt

Voltage :- Not Known

Area Covers :- 3 to 8 Sqm.

Good For :- Bedroom and Living room.


Body :- Copper

Shade :- Glass

(All the info. are for this particular light)


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