window ac dimensions

Related Questions?

Q1. What are the dimensions of a Window AC?

The dimensions of a Window AC are Length :- 560 mm (22 inches), Breadth :- 615 mm (24.5 inches) and height :- 377 mm (15 inches). The height of the window ac from the floor level should be 1200 mm (4 ft.).

Q2. What is the height of Window Air Conditioner (AC) from the floor level and Ceiling?

For a window air conditioner, the best height from the ground or floor level is 900 to 1200 mm (3 to 4 Ft).

Q3. What size of air conditioner is required for a room?

As per British Guidelines, 20 BTU is required for each square foot of space. Size or capacity of air conditioner required for a room (Indian Standards)

Size of Room (Volume)Capacity of AC (Size)
3000 x 3000 x 3000 mm
(10 x 10 x 10 Ft)
3600 x 3600 x 3000 mm
(12 x 12 x 10 Ft)
1.5 TON
4500 x 4500 x 3000 mm
(15 x 15 x 10 Ft)

Q4. What is Air Conditioner Ledge and How to design it?

The air conditioner ledges are basically a type of support that holds the AC in the right place. It must be designed when you place the air conditioner on the wall.

Usually, AC ledges are designed on the external façade near balconies, yards, bedrooms, or kitchens. It is designed in a space where it will not be visible directly in the elevation, but architects can design it at the front by providing louvres and screens to shield the compressor unit.

Q5. Important Guidelines to install an Air Conditioner?

These considerations should be taken before installing an AC:-

  • Determine the size of the room.
  • Nearest opening for better placement.
  • Consider the energy efficiency.
  • Look for the capacity of AC required for your space
  • Avoid placing electronic items below the AC unit.

To read the detailed design and interior guide for the bedroom, Dining Area, Study Room, and living area, click here…

To read more about the installation process and design guidelines for AC, read this detailed assignment on it, Click here

*Note:- The dimensions written in feet, inches and mm are individual dimensions, not converted.



Length :- 560 mm

Breadth :- 615 mm

Height :- 377 mm

Capacity :- 1 Ton


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